Introduction of China Studies

In this subject, I have learnt about a few knowledge of China and skills. First and foremost, I’ve learnt about “Business Etiquette in China”. In this topic, I learnt the basics of different etiquette of different sectors (e.g, 基本礼貌,送礼,请客的基本礼仪,吃饭座次,等等). Taking for gifting as an example, gifting is a form of art in the country. In China, gifting is considered as an investment in the relationship between two parties. 送礼可以传递对对方的感谢,表达自己的心意,等等。在送礼时,送的礼物必须要有一定的意义。例如, 如果对方喜欢日本的苹果,自己如果有到日本的话可以买“九”粒富士山苹果。买九粒的意义可以代表“长长久久 。
Secondly, I’ve learnt a new skill of writing a basic business plan. In a basic business plan structure, there are a few points which needs we need to take note of. First of all, it is important to identify the purpose of the plan. After which, give a basic write up of the company (such as the long and short term goals, Vision, Mission, etc) and then introducing the product and service which the business plan is writing about. 然后,我们需要开始对我们想进攻的市场以及它的经济状况进行深入的调查。最后,我们也需要非常的了解我们的消费者 (比如说,他们的平均年龄,爱好,喜爱的牌子,等等)。
Finally, I learnt about the foundation of China which is the political structure and system. It all topic started with the introduction to the modern China history from the three different revolutions (革命) which led to the rise of modern China. 辛亥革命being the first revolution and main revolution which started the whole rise of modern China was led by a single man 孙中山. We were then taught about the three different generations of leaders in China. The first generation of leaders are “毛泽东,刘少奇,林彪,周恩来,江青,华国锋”. The second generation of leaders leading China are “邓小平,胡耀邦,赵紫阳). The third and current generation of leaders of China are “江泽民,胡锦涛,习近平). The political history of China greatly impacted the modern China. 例如,经济改革开放让沿海地区迅速地发展,导致贫富的差距缩小。总的来说,在中国党派以及政府是不可分割的。而且中国的经济和社会发展得非常快。
News Reflection
May 8, 2018
North Korean Leader Mr Kim Jung Un paid his second visit to China to meet China President Xi Jinping before the highly anticipated meeting between Mr Kim Jun Un and the United States President Donald Trump.
Personally I feel that this meeting significantly shows how close the ties are between the two fractious allies. The fact that one of the superpower US is involved, and Kim is willing to share moments with China (another up and rising superpower) can also be viewed as a sign of warm ties with the two parties.
However I also feel that with the China involved with the meeting of North Korea and US, Donald Trump will also feel a pressured to a certain extend. As from the meeting between the North Korea and China, there is a high chance that China will back North Korea up if the talk in the event that the talk falls out.
Overall I feel that as much as China not being directly involved in the talk, there is a level of presence of China during the talk.

May 12, 2017
One Belt One Road (OBOR) project is initiated by China, involving more than 68 countries, 4.4 billion people and contributing up to 40% of the global GDP. This project is a massive and ambitious project started by China. Even though this project is planned for success, I personally feel that with the state of China it is going to take quite a while for this project to be accomplished.
To allow this project to take place, according to a Chinese State Media China has already invested approximately $1 trillion and plans to invest another few trillions over the next decade or so. As much as we say that China is second of US in terms of economical strength, the amount of money invested (and plan to invest) will undeniably take a toll on China's economy.
Even though there are economical and political benefits, they both comes with very significant risks. Take the economical benefits as example, China can look to distribute its own domestic overproduction overseas. Through this, not only did China manage to leverage their own capital, China can also use this opportunity to portray themselves as unselfish as they are involving in the helping of other countries at becoming richer. Of course, when a strong countries help a weaker country during tough times, when the weaker country becomes better and stronger they will feel the obligation to repay the stronger country. In this case, the countries will become richer and thus in turn become custormers of the Chinese products.
As mentioned, the benefits of OBOR comes with very significant risks. One of the risks is that since OBOR is a project targetted at countries in Central Asia, Africa and Southeast Asia. Countries in this regions tend to have economical and political instability and some even corruptions.
In a nutshell, as much as China has very big and ambitious plan with OBOR, I personally feel that its important to step back and re-evaluate its current standing in terms of financial strength and etc. Also, it is important to have a back up plan to reduce the impact if this OBOR project is a failure as it involves very large sums of money.

May 19, 2017
There is a rise in tension between the two countries over a group of islands known as Senkaku Islands (Japan) and 钓鱼岛 (Chinese). This group of islands to my knowledge has been claimed by both China and Japan multiple times. This fight for ownership over the islands is also one of the reasons why the relationship between China and Japan has been very tensed.
I understand that having islands in the sea makes a very major impact to a country. In fact, with the control over an islands gives the individual the control over the surrounding sea. In another words, the territory of a country expands with the increase of islands it occupy.
With the four Chinese coastguard ships and a drone aircraft entering the territories claimed by the Chinese around the dispute islands, I feel that it is not very appropriate and not very sensible of the China's part. I fully understand that China is a big country and hopes to continue increasing its territories. However, China needs to understand that Japan is a relatively smaller country. I feel that the least China could do in times of high tension is to leave the islands alone, sit down with Japan and have a talk to come up with a win-win solution for both parties.
With that said, if China was to give up the ownership of these islands to Japan. China would portray itself as a very generous and helpful superpower, who has the intention of helping the weaker countries to grow. Overall I feel that even though being a big country is an advantage, I do not think that it is a good thing to do to constantly dominating the smaller and weaker countries.